Jun 1, 2013

Perks of being a Lasallian Froshie

LPEP. Need I say more? Yes, I should, because apparently not all students get to experience this kind of special first-year-in-college treatment. Icebreakers, campus tours, learning of DLSU chants and hymns, information about academics and the patron saint, etc. Such fulfilling 2 days. 

That time when I ran through different booths leading to the Animo Party was probably one of my favorite part. I got papers, fliers, and goodies piling up on my arms, everyone was shouting "Welcome to La Salle!" and while everything was a blur, I managed to stop time for a jiffy in my mind and think to myself how fortunate I am to be part of this community.

Also, I have learned something very important: "BE ACTIVE....ACTIVE...ACTIVE...ACTIVE..."

Food. Everywhere. Not even kidding. I've had my cravings satisfied for the whole week. But there was a tiny (no, not that tiny) problem. They weren't really joking when they told me, "Una mong dilemma, pagkain. Mamumulubi ka first week pa lang". I honestly didn't expect it to actually affect me, but they were right. Especially, being in a condominium and left with enough money for a week provides me with much liberty...and responsibility. With all the restaurants and fast food chains surrounding DLSU, I guess my spending did get out of hand, especially now that I have friends to eat with. But, oh well, it was fun.

Coming from Assumption Antipolo, I did get quite a culture-shock there. All of a sudden there are boys. All of a sudden you're less limited but expected to do beyond just being a student. All of a sudden you're in a pre-"real life" stage. But this...This is for the better.

TGIF? Too mainstream. Welcome to the place where everyone celebrates every Thursday.

ID. I don't know about you (but I know about me so say hello to falsetto in 3...2...swag) but I feel like some cool spy person needing to scan my card for identification purposes as I enter. That' probably just me.

I only have 1000 buildings left to see before I die because I now get to see one of those almost everyday. Hello St. La Salle Building! Another building also caught my interest-- The Henry Sy building. When I discovered that the random lines on that building weren't but Henry Sy's thumb print, I kind of flipped out. The architectural structure is very much something to look forward to seeing, from convenient escalators to the library. Amazing. Oh, I have yet to explore every corner of this wonderful university. 

A shout out to my block mates who made my first week not only bearable but AWESOME!

I believe this list can go unbelievably further with the next months. ANIMO LASALLE!


It was said that 3 years from now, I will remember to check out this certain blog and reminisce my first week. So, let me just add here a very inspirational verse that I would want to guide me throughout my college life, and as I check out this blog after those years, I'd want to see the impact of this verse to my life.

2 Timothy 1:7
"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."

Power - God has power over my life. Period.

Love - Honestly, I have decided that my combo out of the impossible trio (Studies/Social life/Sleep) is studies + sleep. I was willing to give up socialization, but after the orientations, I realized that social responsibility is in fact a very important factor in being a Lasallian.

Self-discipline - My life now starts with me waking up to my alarm clock, preparing my own breakfast, and choosing clothes by myself since I live in a condominium. Now that I think about it, I was pretty spoiled for a teenager, but I will not let this limit me from learning to balance my life. I have to remember that DLSU offers pre-"real life" education, so one way or another, I'll have to get used to being independent.

With this...
I will continue, O my God, to do all my actions for the love of You.