Jun 1, 2013

Perks of being a Lasallian Froshie

LPEP. Need I say more? Yes, I should, because apparently not all students get to experience this kind of special first-year-in-college treatment. Icebreakers, campus tours, learning of DLSU chants and hymns, information about academics and the patron saint, etc. Such fulfilling 2 days. 

That time when I ran through different booths leading to the Animo Party was probably one of my favorite part. I got papers, fliers, and goodies piling up on my arms, everyone was shouting "Welcome to La Salle!" and while everything was a blur, I managed to stop time for a jiffy in my mind and think to myself how fortunate I am to be part of this community.

Also, I have learned something very important: "BE ACTIVE....ACTIVE...ACTIVE...ACTIVE..."

Food. Everywhere. Not even kidding. I've had my cravings satisfied for the whole week. But there was a tiny (no, not that tiny) problem. They weren't really joking when they told me, "Una mong dilemma, pagkain. Mamumulubi ka first week pa lang". I honestly didn't expect it to actually affect me, but they were right. Especially, being in a condominium and left with enough money for a week provides me with much liberty...and responsibility. With all the restaurants and fast food chains surrounding DLSU, I guess my spending did get out of hand, especially now that I have friends to eat with. But, oh well, it was fun.

Coming from Assumption Antipolo, I did get quite a culture-shock there. All of a sudden there are boys. All of a sudden you're less limited but expected to do beyond just being a student. All of a sudden you're in a pre-"real life" stage. But this...This is for the better.

TGIF? Too mainstream. Welcome to the place where everyone celebrates every Thursday.

ID. I don't know about you (but I know about me so say hello to falsetto in 3...2...swag) but I feel like some cool spy person needing to scan my card for identification purposes as I enter. That' probably just me.

I only have 1000 buildings left to see before I die because I now get to see one of those almost everyday. Hello St. La Salle Building! Another building also caught my interest-- The Henry Sy building. When I discovered that the random lines on that building weren't but Henry Sy's thumb print, I kind of flipped out. The architectural structure is very much something to look forward to seeing, from convenient escalators to the library. Amazing. Oh, I have yet to explore every corner of this wonderful university. 

A shout out to my block mates who made my first week not only bearable but AWESOME!

I believe this list can go unbelievably further with the next months. ANIMO LASALLE!


It was said that 3 years from now, I will remember to check out this certain blog and reminisce my first week. So, let me just add here a very inspirational verse that I would want to guide me throughout my college life, and as I check out this blog after those years, I'd want to see the impact of this verse to my life.

2 Timothy 1:7
"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."

Power - God has power over my life. Period.

Love - Honestly, I have decided that my combo out of the impossible trio (Studies/Social life/Sleep) is studies + sleep. I was willing to give up socialization, but after the orientations, I realized that social responsibility is in fact a very important factor in being a Lasallian.

Self-discipline - My life now starts with me waking up to my alarm clock, preparing my own breakfast, and choosing clothes by myself since I live in a condominium. Now that I think about it, I was pretty spoiled for a teenager, but I will not let this limit me from learning to balance my life. I have to remember that DLSU offers pre-"real life" education, so one way or another, I'll have to get used to being independent.

With this...
I will continue, O my God, to do all my actions for the love of You.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. It's been years. It was a really tough journey, sis. LIKE REALLY FREAKING TOUGH. You experienced so many anxiety attacks, heartbreaks, betrayals, med side-effects, breakdowns, and hangovers all throughout your college years. It felt like you were spiralling down a never-ending hole. You even stopped studying for a while since you were about to end your life because things were really difficult. You had to endure going back to Taft and had to face every goddamn irrelevant Tita who always asked the question "Graduate ka na ba?".

    Took you an unconventional amount of years before you could answer it with a "yes". But you did it. Despite all those challenges, you were able to conquer your fears and started becoming a way better version of yourself. You've learned to use all the rocks thrown at you by life, in a way that instead of carrying them like boulders that weigh you down, you've used them as stepping stones to help you reach your goals. Thank goodness for all those hardships because they have honed you to be the woman you are today.

    Don't worry. Things are better. And things will continue to be better, because you learned that while life can be difficult, it can also be beautiful when you choose it be.
